In the framework the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood – SOLiD, BUSINESSMED (The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises) in partnership with UTICA organized a two-day training session under the theme « Promoting Social Dialogue within companies: The CAC Platform for Social Peace and Productivity Improvement » on September 19th and 20th 2017 at UTICA’s Headquarters.
The session was moderated by Mr. Sami Silini, the Central Director of Social Affairs – UTICA and Mr. Abada Mahjoubi, Expert in Labor Law, Social Dialogue and Professional Relations, who called to look more closely at how Company’s Advisory Committee Platform and HR managers in today’s context may play a fundamental role in solving companies’ problems through collective bargaining and the instauration of a climate favoring the social dialogue.
The training put into question the traditional view of HR managers’ role, limited to administrative tasks and highlighted their role of conciliation and negotiation via a democratic process fostering a climate of social peace.
The training represented an occasion for HR Managers, administrative Directors and employers affiliated to the UTICA to deepen their knowledge on the field of social dialogue providing a platform for discussion and sharing of views and success stories. It led to the conclusion that a well-functioning social dialogue is a key component for a successful company.