Training Workshop: “Social Dialogue: Driver of Democracy, Safety, Rights and Development – Good Practices in Comparison”

A training workshop entitled “Social Dialogue: Driver of Democracy, Safety, Rights and Development – Good Practices in Comparison “.

It was held in Rome (9-10 November 2017) and implemented by UIL (Italian Labour Union) in cooperation with ProgettoSud organization (institute for cooperation with developing countries).

Participation of 38 participants including the participation of the General Secretary of the UIL and the General Secretary of ETUC and many other institutions representations , beyond presence of union leaders representing Morocco, Tunisia , Jordan , Italy , ATUC , ITUC , EU unions , and civil society organizations .

The workshop aimed at raising awareness of the role of social dialogue and the good practices in comparison of democracy, safety, rights, and development.

In addition , it aimed to discuss how best to contribute to the achievements of the goals and the importance of inclusion as item of social dialogue at international , regional , national , and sectorial level.


