Activities types
Multi-Stakeholders Regional Seminars
Multi-Stakeholders Regional Seminars
Major events bringing together representatives from Northern and Southern shores of the Mediterranean to discuss either the implementation of the Charter to promote Social Dialogue and consider regional projects, institutional reforms, or specific topics closely tied to Social matters (role of women and youth, local authorities, etc.)
Multi-Stakeholders Workshops
Multi-Stakeholders Workshops
As part of a wide capacity building programme, the national trainings will target in a first stage specific needs of social partners separately (Trade Unions, Business Support Organizations, and CSOs), and will bring these partners together in bipartite trainings in a further step of the project to discuss specific social dialogue topics covered by the SOLiD charter.
Advocacy & Promotion of Social Dialogue
Advocacy & Promotion of Social Dialogue
This activity will cover both online advocacy campaigns and field work to promote social dialogue at the decision making level.
The project team uses various publications, results driven reports, and online communication support such as videos or infographics to trigger interest around social dialogue matters in our community of practice.
Furthermore, advocacy includes consultation meetings with local authorities, local CSOs and professional associations in the three currently targeted countries (Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan). The meetings will be geographically distributed in order to promote social dialogue and the SOLiD charter at the local level.
Field Visits
Exchange programmes
Exchange programmes to be organized in North Mediterranean countries in order to share best practices in Social Dialogue with participants from Southern countries.
Promotional Weeks
Promotional weeks in the target countries to assess dialogue institutions and potential areas of improvement.
Country Studies
Country Studies
Studies are a crucial instrument in the diagnosis phase, since they will aim at determining a state of play of the Social Dialogue practice in the countries joining the project (Palestine, Lebanon, and Algeria). They will essentially serve as a benchmark to determine needs for further training and for bridging the gap between those countries and the three pilot target countries.