
The 2nd phase of the SOLiD programme covers two separate components:

Component one aims at promoting multipartite social dialogue in Southern Mediterranean Countries and the second component consists in supporting the progressive formalization of the informal economy.

Towards an inclusive and structured social dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood (SOLiD II) 

This Component aims to deepen existing actions and follow-up on concrete results of the first phase (SOLiD I).

The main partner for Component 1 is the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which represents the sole organisation, at global level, representing trade unions, working on development cooperation.

ITUC’s implementing partners are the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) and BUSINESSMED, representing respectively the workers’ and employer’s organisations in the Southern Mediterranean region. The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) represents the civil society partner in the action, through which societal dialogue is achieved.

They have all three established and consolidated offices and human resources with years of experience and proven technical management capacity in managing their constituency and in running important projects with the support of external donors (including the EU).

The objective of this component is to strengthen the consultative role of economic and social partners, including the broader civil society, in the Euro-Mediterranean region; to promote a dynamic, inclusive and reinforced institutionalised social dialogue and to promote social inclusion through social dialogue tools and organised tripartite institutions.

The objectives of this Component are:

Tracé 3649

Promote social inclusion through social dialogue tools and organised tripartite institutions

User (1)

Promote a dynamic, inclusive and reinforced institutionalised social dialogue


Strengthen the consultative role of economic and social partners, including the broader civil society, in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region (SOLIFEM) 

This Component will address issues of employability and the transition from informal to formal work using the tools of social dialogue.

The main partner for Component 2 is the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and its respective regional offices in the Southern Mediterranean region.

The target groups are the representative national employers and workers’ organizations, Ministries of Labour and other concerned ministries, tripartite social dialogue institutions and representative membership-based organizations in the informal economy in the target countries, as well as vocational training institutions.

The ultimate beneficiaries are workers and economic units in the informal economy, with a focus on youth and women.

The objectives of this Component are:

Advice 0

Building consensus on understanding, planning and implementation of effective action to tackle informality, including by enhancing the employability of youth and women to facilitate their access to formal employment

Tracé 3649

Foster the transition to formality, facilitated by strengthening the capacity of governments and the social partners to engage in social dialogue at all levels


Support the progressive formalisation of the informal economy