Target Groups

The target groups of the project are:
A combination of BSOs, Trade Unions, Local Authorities, Economic & Social Councils and Civil Society organisations in the six target countries
Business Support Organisations (BSOs) / Employers

BSOs generally refer to confederations of enterprises, which represent, at different levels, the interests of business owners and companies. They generally encompass at the same time major companies and industry champions, as well as smaller companies and SMEs.

Trade Unions

Trade Unions are representatives of organized workers in our target countries. They have the legitimacy, as elected bodies, to protect the interests of workers in their relationships with other stakeholders when it comes to socio-professional interests.

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

CSOs are fully concerned by social dialogue in its civic dimension, in a way that they tend to be a privileged partner in discussions tied to social and environmental impacts, such as corporate social responsibility, rights of migrants, minorities and marginalized groups, informal workers, etc.

Professional Associations

Governments generally serve as both a crucial intermediary in social and civic dialogue, and a key stakeholder in the success of tripartite discussions, as they are the unique law enforcement authority involved in the entire process. Involving governments in our programs also helps us bring concrete recommendations and potential reforms to the discussions.

Economic & Social Councils

Economic and Social Councils are an essential element in every advanced model of social dialogue practice, as they tend to bring substantial scientific supporting materials to the discussions. Each country has its own specific consultative bodies, depending on multiple factors.

Local Authorities

Local authorities tend to be granted more and more importance in the success of social dialogue processes. Indeed, since best practices show a trend towards decentralization of the economic and social decision making process for multiple reasons (proximity of most fragile populations and target groups for example), anticipating their intervention in Southern neighborhood countries is key to ensure effectiveness in the implementation of the project’s outcomes at the local level. Their involvement in our activities always depends on the degree of decentralization and governing capacity granted to local authorities in each country.