Last Steering Committee of SOLiD Project

The last Steering Committee of SOLiD, convened by the Project Director, was held in Tunis, on April 30th 2019.

The last meeting brought together the project’s consortium namely:  The Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), The Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED), The Arab NGOs Network for Development (ANND), Progetto Sud, AIP Foundation and SOLIDAR as well as the evaluator assigned to conduct the final evaluation of the project.

The Steering dealt with the internal and external evaluation of SOLiD, where the Director highlighted the procedure of the simultaneous evaluation to be conducted by the European Commission from one hand and a team of evaluators selected by the consortium and approved during the meeting from the other hand, with a stress on the need to meet the deadlines set for the narrative and financial reporting as well as the cooperation with the evaluation teams.

The 2nd session of the meeting was dedicated to an open discussion of a proposal of an action plan drafted for the sake of a sustainable impact of SOLiD’s results as well as a hint on the potential perspectives of this pilot initiative.



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