SOLID Exchange visits in Jordan

Solid Field Visit Amman 2024
Solid Field Visit Amman 2024

On May 14, 2024, in Amman, Jordan, the exchange visits program between the social partners of the European Union and the countries of the Southern Mediterranean was launched as part of the SOLID project, aimed at promoting social dialogue. This initiative brought together representatives from trade unions and employers' organizations from both sides of the Mediterranean, providing them with a platform to engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and highlight their successes in various fields. The first day of the exchange featured visits to the Jordan Chamber of Industry and the Foundation for the Development and Advancement of Vocational and Technical Skills, as well as the Jordanian Economic and Social Council.

The program continued on May 15, 2024, with participants visiting the Jordanian Senate. Here, they had the opportunity to learn about the Senate’s role in strengthening social dialogue by enacting laws that address the needs of the labor movement. Representatives from both the European Union and Southern Mediterranean countries, alongside Arab federations, participated in these exchanges to gain a deeper understanding of the legislative frameworks supporting social dialogue in Jordan.

On May 16, 2024, the final day of the exchange visits, the participants visited the Jordanian Ministry of Investment to explore the business climate and investment opportunities in the country. This day also included visits to local economic institutions, such as Al-Durra Food Industries, where participants learned about successful economic models in Jordan.

The culmination of this exchange was a regional seminar held in Amman on May 18, 2024 and that presented a summary of the key takeaways from the exchange visits and provided an opportunity for participants to discuss future cooperation and regional coordination.



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