SOLiD Advisory Group Meeting

Date : 08 March 2023
Beirut, Lebanon
Arab Trade Union Organization (ATUC), Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED)

SOLiD Advisory Group plays crucial governing, consultative, and monitoring roles throughout the project course.

The advisory group of SOLiD 2 is composed of the experts and the project Secretariat, as well as representatives of relevant partners that the Secretariat wishes to invite to discuss a specific matter (Trade Unions, Employers Organizations, CSOs, institutional partners, etc.).

The structure of the advisory group must ensure an inclusive and participatory approach and provide the expertise needed for relevant actions that are feasible and sustainable within the project agenda and based on a diversity of practices and experiences. The Advisory group plays a crucial role in monitoring the content of the action and in preparing the project outcomes and recommendations as well as following up on the Charter implementation plan.

