partenaire détail
From all the states of the Tunisian Republic and outside the countries, Tunisian young people join the organization, which operates in a highly transparent, participatory and Democratic framework. The Organization is mainly formative, for youth, scientific, social, cultural and sports. The Global Young Leaders Organization, which establishes the agency's governing structure and principles, states its Main objective as:
-Work on preparing scientific research and studies in the field of political, legal, economic and social sciences in order to find solutions and proposals related to national, international files.
- Contribute to the development of young's cognitive and leadership capabilities.
- Contribute to establishing communication's bridges between the authority and the youth.
- Contribute to the establishment of a common ground that collects youth people all over the world and strengthens the relationship between them.
- Work to devote among the youth, the concepts of dia1ogue, openness and accepting others. To achieve these goals,
The Global Young Leaders Organization composed of supreme decision- making body and elected executive board made up of 25 representative members that oversee several structures; including public writing, financial management, the executive office and forums (cu1tural, sports, economic, social and human rights, resisting corruption, the environment plowing) and a studies center that works on recruiting researchers to present their theses in several disciplines. Also, the national council that brings together all the regional and local branches, and The General Agreements Office, which will work on establishing partnerships with several national and international governmental and non-govern- mental organizations and associations.
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